What do YOU need to stop doing, in order to accomplish….
“In every crisis there is a message. Crises are nature’s way of forcing change — breaking down old structures, shaking loose negative habits so that something new and better can take their place?”
Susan L. Taylor
Definition of DNAproximity,
DNA (noun), YOU. The aspects that make you, YOU. The bonds, threads and building blocks of all the things that make you, YOU. The ladder of your life experiences that make you, YOU. The essence of YOU. Your core cell, or nucleus, of what makes you, YOU. The development and evolution of YOU.
proximity (noun), the distance towards, or, away from your chosen opportunities and possibilities. The measure of space between you and what you aim to gain through your intentions, actions and beliefs through a series of challenges and experiences.
DNA (noun), YOU. The aspects that make you, YOU. The bonds, threads and building blocks of all the things that make you, YOU. The ladder of your life experiences that make you, YOU. The essence of YOU. Your core cell, or nucleus, of what makes you, YOU. The development and evolution of YOU.
proximity (noun), the distance towards, or, away from your chosen opportunities and possibilities. The measure of space between you and what you aim to gain through your intentions, actions and beliefs through a series of challenges and experiences.
Online Personal Development Workshops for Quintessentially Shy individuals
Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
Delivering a pleasant, professional, personal development program for you. Understanding your needs, wants and desires.
Who?: Our clients are professionals that have been out of the workplace for a myriad of reasons and are experiencing dwindling career opportunities. Our clients are adults that have little workplace experience. Our clients are individuals who are quintessentially shy. Our clients are graduates lacking in social skills.
What?: A practical and beneficial ONE hour personal development online workshop. This particular workshop is called DNA-QS. Clients need to purchase the book ‘Positive Steps Into Social Mobility – Awareness and Empowerment’ by Camille Lansiquot and Diana Rose Mary Thulare, for use during the workshop.
Where?: Online.
Why?: Re-branding yourself for maximising your attributes in social and business environments.
+ self employment
+ salaried employer
+ social mobility
+ salaried employer
+ social mobility
When?: Once a month.
How?: Enrollment provides further personal development information, updates and useful contact information from DNAproximity.
Reference: DNA - QS.
When you enrol Alice from DNAproximity will provide you with dates and costs. Costs can be made in Bitcoins, £ (GBP), € (Euro), USD$
There is only one personal development program. There is only one YOU.