Never be ashamed to ask questions of which you are ignorant


'How do you know so much about everything?' was asked of a very wise and intelligent man; and the answer was 
'By never being afraid or ashamed to ask questions as to anything of which I was ignorant.'

John Abbott

Definition of DNAproximity,

DNA (noun), YOU. The aspects that make you, YOU. The bonds, threads and building blocks of all the things that make you, YOU. The ladder of your life experiences that make you, YOU. The essence of YOU. Your core cell, or nucleus, of what makes you, YOU. The development and evolution of YOU.

proximity (noun), the distance towards, or, away from your chosen opportunities and possibilities. The measure of space between you and what you aim to gain through your intentions, actions and beliefs through a series of challenges and experiences.

With over 30 years of experience covering social observation, adult assessments and development plus working voluntary with charitable organisations, within the DNAproximity team; small team (read as less than five), we are devoted bundles of energy for the achievements that serve you the best. Where encouragement for achievement is provided to the individuals that we come into contact with through the DNAproximity workshops.

As a group of ladies within DNAproximity, we come from different backgrounds and social classes but we have one thing in common. Personal Development. We have become strong within ourselves through adversities. We have become stronger through our friendships. We have an understanding of each other as we move forward in unity. DNAproximity is a little melting pot of talent. Female talent.

We cannot be all things to all people

Everyone on the team has been through depression, rejection, strain and stress. Usually from external forces and then self infliction. We are all a lot wiser, although we are not infallible. We continually learn from our mistakes and our egos are allowed to take a dent every now and again and then be released into the winds. Ego has little place in Self Development. Ego has little place in motivation. Ego has little place in self help. We; as a team, gladly learn from others and pass on that knowledge to our clients, in order to make them whole and aligned in whatever they are going through at that moment in time. We are not psychologists, but we listen carefully to clients and try to accommodate their needs within the workshops. Where we feel that clients need additional psychological aid, we direct them to qualified professionals who are better apt in taking the care of the client further then we can. We at DNAproximity acknowledge our limitations. We cannot be all things to all people.

Let us get to know each other

So to start with I want to relay Personal Development and how it comes about in various ways for various people.

In general, many people when they hear the term ‘Personal Development’ define Personal Development as a middle class concept or phenomenon with no bearing on the real personal life of hard working ‘real’ people. Personal Development belonging to the white collar workers and management. Personal Development belonging to the aspirations of people with a talent. Or people with a strong desire to get further in society at the detriment of others.

In fact, Personal Development belongs to ALL of us. Everyone born into this world experiences Personal Development from birth. At its most basic, intrinsic and prosaic form. Personal Development never leaves us. It remains an essential part of our DNA. From early mankind tracking food, to hunter gatherers, to keepers of traditions to inventors to philosophers to modern day human. We are all affected by Personal Development in some small way each and every day. The people that we come into contact with propagate our Personal Development through various performances. Whether we realise it or not. Whether we want to or not. Whether we do an action or have a thought with a smile, or a grimace.

Even when we are sleeping our dreams relay an area of Personal Development that we must take note of us.

Have you ever had the feeling of being uneasy to a feeling of depression? Your thoughts, feelings, emotions and moods react to your environment, because there are concerns subconsciously that you are not addressing, in order to alleviate you from that seemingly bottomless pit of anxiety, angst or and/or apathy.

Anything and everything that you want to do to better your circumstances comes under this umbrella of Self Development and motivation. Your Personal Development. The topics of Self Development, Motivation, Personal Development and indeed Self Help, is fascinating and rewarding to your life and lifestyle. It is a way of proving your resourcefulness to yourself and upgrading your life, including upgrading your personal characteristics. Fundamentally, Self Development and Self Help walks hand in hand with social mobility and improving your persona. All these aspects can guide you to success. Whatever success means to you personally in your life. Wherever you are at this moment in time with your life.

+ DNAproximity is all about YOU.

+ DNAproximity is about starting from basics. It is all too easy to get lost in the numerous Self Development, Motivation and Self Help world of books, jargon and articles. Every month brings something new and it can be daunting to keep up to pace with the latest pieces of news and what you are told that you should be doing to improve your life through these new advances. The simple fact is not everyone understands the latest Personal Development fads or has the time nor indeed the motivation to put into place all that is required of them as instructed by the numerous articles, books, courses or videos. Sometimes in life you take a tumble and it is challenging to restart your life from the point of the latest news with the latest fads. Sometimes you need to let all the latest fads go and start from your point of basics. The journey in Personal Development is frequently easier when you start from basic.

+ DNAproximity brings Personal Development back ‘up’ to YOU. Not down.

+ DNAproximity returns to the essence of who YOU are and from there helps YOU to sow the seeds of YOUR directions in life.

+ DNAproximity helps to clear away the clutter and bring clarity.

+ DNAproximity also assists YOU with looking at YOU and getting the most out of YOU, for YOU.

+ DNAproximity is brought to you in real time, with everyday, simple, methods and techniques to aid YOU in the here and now. Some of what you learn and gain from DNAproximity is slightly unorthodox, but it helps in bringing the simplicity and clarity of where YOU are now and where YOU want to be in Self Development and Motivation.

+ DNAproximity will help you to become a better YOU.

+ DNAproximity is about consistency and YOU being inspired by YOU to do what YOU love to do, to help YOU through YOUR life journey.

Singing from the same hymn sheet

Everyone starts at the same place, because when we all start something new it seems insurmountable. Too challenging. Too difficult. Too strange. Too new. This is something that we all go through. In the end we overcome the challenge and turn nothing into something. The something that you create is special to you, because you imbue whatever your Personal Development is with your special gifts as an individual and your life experiences. This is your unique selling point. This is what will aid your success through your life journey.

YOU are at a stage now where you are passionate about YOUR Self Development. Where you are searching for a new form of energy to propel your ideas and situation forward, through looking at what you have to offer and repackaging that through a suitable level of Self Development and Motivation. Improving yourself to improving your life. Let us say that phrase once again with feeling. “Improving yourself to improving your life”.

Do not be cynical about YOU

Become the leader of yourself. Do not be cynical on this. You start with the thoughts that you have and how you can change this through Self Development and Motivation. How to use your mind and take control of your Self. Why should YOU never experience the freedom that YOU gain through Self Development. Look at people that YOU admire. See how the effort that they have placed into themselves was particular to them and their drive to succeed. That with social and economical impacts around them trying to deviate them to something else, that they maintained their goal; their essence of who they are, even if the journey to where they wanted to be was not how they imagined it to be. It is about overcoming your fear and finding solutions to get YOU where you want to be. Whether that be learning two languages a year, or becoming proficient in cookery, or learning to become an artist., or learning to drive. So on and so forth. You can achieve. All through Motivation with Self Development techniques and methods that are specific to how YOU learn and develop, because not everyone is motivated and developing in the same way with the same training programmes.

Self Development must be entertaining to you. Self Development must enable you to think and think outside your comfort zone in order to lengthen and heighten your development process. YOUR thinking process should provide YOU with ideas when you awake from sleep. When you take a shower. When you take a bath. When you take a leisurely stroll. When you are travelling on a bus, train, aircraft or boat. When you are power walking. When you are swimming. When you are preparing or cooking something to eat or drink. So on and so forth.

How do you convert what you want to do INTO doing it?

How do you convert what you want to do INTO starting to do something that will deliver what you want to do, through Self Development? The shift is this: The more that you know, the more that you can do. DNAproximity will be using a highly recommended social mobility book to aid learners within the workshops. The two authors are women from differing backgrounds that came to work together through a chance meeting. May I suggest that you take a look at their abridged bio on their blog as an example of being able to know more and doing more with knowledge. It is truly inspirational. Camille LANSIQUOT and Diana Rose Mary THULARE. Two ladies from different aspects of UK Commonwealth heritage. From two different diaspora.

Look at this example. There are three people. They are accessing the same video/literature/audio on the same subject. They have collected the same information during the same duration. Yet, on one morning,

Person 1 wakes up and decides to make the shift to enter further into their Self Development animation because they can see the positive life changes with rewards.

Person 2 decides that they will do the minimal amount of work with the minimal amount of effort to get the learning over and done with, hoping to get something from it; a shortcut to the rewards that they are yearning for but without the total effort.

Person 3 decides not to bother on the subject any more and that development of themself is not important.

The difference with the three individuals is that they have different ‘sales conversions’ of themselves and where they want to be in life. It is all about how YOU sell something to YOURSELF. Regardless of what the promotional materials says, if you are not selling the idea of Self Development to yourself then it a total waste of time and effort to take on a Self Development training. With Person 2 and 3 the motivation for entering Self Development is not yet ready for the real effort that it takes to shift a mindset from where it is now to where it wants to be. That zest for life and hope springs eternal is lacking within the psyche. In essence, if you are either Person 2 or Person 3, you are in a stagnant phase and only YOU can make the decision to come out of it and take on fresh ideas and concepts through Self Development. It must come from you. No-one else can do this for you.

So which are YOU? Person 1? Person 2? Or. Person 3?

Question: Why? What is going on in your life right now that you connect with that Person X?

Answer: What is YOUR answer?

How can you do something that you dream about and love to do everyday?

How can you do something that you dream about and love to do everyday? Visualisation forms a part of this. Watching inspirational films or videos forms part of this. Listening to inspirational music forms part of this. Knowing in your heart and soul that someone achieved their goal against several odds. Someone like you. Someone in a situation worse than yours. Someone with a perceived disability. Whoever it is that you find inspirational, know that if they can do it, then so can you.

Question: What is your vision?

Answer: Knowing where you are going. Knowing your purpose. Having a strong belief in yourself.

Ask yourself the questions. Why…..? This will deliver the answer to your belief of yourself.

Do YOU hold yourself back?

Know that with each duration of time that you hold back from your Self Development you hold back from your dreams. You hold back from extending yourself to receiving opportunities and rewards.

You have to know where you are going and what your life will look like. Where do you want to be in five years time? What is it that you must achieve in order to get there? How dedicated are you to make the decisions and changes, to enable the steps to get to where you want to be?

Do you know what your goals in life are? Are you willing to make the changes each day in order for your goals to be turned into achievements? The changes could be going to be bed at 21:00 and waking up at 05:00 and immediately connecting to the new day with vigour and Motivation to achieve something before you go to bed again at 21:00. This is only one way of how Self Development can help you, through a Motivation to achieve at least one thing each and every day. There are countless ways. You choose the Self Development that will bring YOU happiness and Motivation.

The momentum is powerful

Self Development trains your mindset and enables you to lead your life in a structured way that opens up challenges and opportunities. With Self Development you can either write down in a diary each of your goal with its challenge and opportunity. Viewing the changes as you make new entries. Or. You can make mental notes of the goal with its challenge and opportunity in your head. Feeling the changes as you make new actions, or repetitive actions, that work for you and get you closer to where you want to be. Actions that bring achievements and self worth into your life. All that deliver to you accomplishment and success, regardless of the size of the achievement. For on this achievement you are able to build upon something stronger and definite. This is powerful. The momentum is powerful.

Some people around you will be jealous. Some people around you will be motivated by you.

Know that at whatever age that you are at. Or. Whatever social status that you are at. You will go through challenges that will try to disrupt your journey to your dream. So you have to keep developing your Self. Every now and again you will feel as though you need to upgrade your branding of who you are, because you will have attained so much more knowledge and actions with what you have learned and experienced, that your surroundings will alter. The people around you will change. Your circumstances will change. Things will be different. Other people will notice the difference. Some people around you will be jealous. Some people around you will be motivated by you.

What would Person X do in this situation?

Realise that when you embark on Self Development you are open to the suggestions of the people or person that you find inspirational. Your mindset may alter to this new way of information, affirmation and success development. When you are not reading, watching or listening to the person that you find inspirational you might begin to ask yourself “Now what would X do?” Knowing that X in her/his early years of struggle wants to succeed in life, s/he is not going to be derailed by anyone. This becomes a motivational factor to you. You begin to take on the persona of this person as you feel a common link/bond between the two of you. You understand where they were coming from and where they wanted to go. This scenario is common for people who enter into Self Development.

YOUR determination to achieve through Self Development

Each day do something that is linked to the Why? of your dreams/goals. A morning routine works for some people. It is important that you awake with the spirit of Motivation whatever time that you wake up and act upon it. This is crucial in Self Development. When you do this you are ahead of other people who are lacklustre at wanting to change their life. Or, only want a part-time life of small, minimal, achievements and opportunities. The effort to want to develop becomes a laborious chore and too life intensive.

In one year, with the full effort that you make through Self Development you would have achieved in greater milestones than others who stay in the dream mode of deciding about taking Self Development seriously. The thinking about it turns into one year of inaction, then two years of inaction, then three years of in action. So on and so forth. By the time that these people decide upon actually participating in Self Development many aspects will have changed in society and their position for harnessing opportunities 10 years ago will have changed over the 10 years that they stood dormant. So, their starting point will be starkly different to yours. Where you will be 10 years ahead of them and gaining more development through your efforts. The synergies that you encounter will expand your scope of who you are and where you want to be though new goals and dreams. Each goal and dream surpassing one another as you succeed in life. You will of course encounter some knock backs but you will have the ability to gain the skillsets to cope with the setbacks more efficiently and effectively. The experiences adding to your Self Development. At this stage you are disciplined and the effort that you put into your life is regarded as a benefit and not a hindrance. Not an inconvenience. Not a drag. Not only do you visualise the benefit, but you are able to add an emotion to it to bring you undisputed success. Through your experiences over the years you realise that goals and dreams do come true once the full intention and the effort is in place with the determination to achieve through Self Development.

With Self Development you learn that you are a business. You are smart. You are the leader in your life. You are content and that content = currency.

Incentive at the start of the day.

For those of you that do like early morning starts, DNAproximity is starting a 05:00 GMT morning group where you can log on and say “Morning” to the group. One of our ladies does QI Gong at this time so she would be happy to meet other like-minded individuals like you. So share some happiness in the morning and say “Hello” to Penelope. Her routine is meditation followed by Qi Gong followed by meditation. Then she is ready for breakfast and the start of the day. So if you would like to say “Hello Penelope” let me know and we can get you started with the group. Anyone who misses a day is fined. Now there is an incentive for you to avoid penalties!

Enrollment provides further personal development information, updates and useful contact information from DNAproximity.
